Friday, November 8, 2019

Values Clarification essays

Values Clarification essays The corruption of Americas youth is a popular topic today in the media, among lawmakers, and with concerned parents. Often the good old days of generations past are looked upon with longing because of their simpler ways. Decades ago the largest problems in schools were talking out in class, not paying attention, and forgetting to do homework. Todays problems are violence, teen pregnancy, drug and alcohol abuse, and delinquency in general. Everyone believes these issues are a result of something different: bad home lives, lack of religious ideals, the media, the wrong education or no education at all. Throughout the years, moral education has been looked to as both an answer and cause. Schooling in morals and values that is provided to youth can be categorized (somewhat) two ways: values clarification education and character education. I believe that the extremes of both of these options are not the answer. Concentration on values clarification education, with some indirect cha racter education woven into the general curriculum, is the most practical answer to this on-going argument. Not all people are familiar with values clarification and character education, so it is necessary to specify the standpoint of both positions, neither of which I agree with completely. Values clarification education (V.C.) was a popular way of teaching values education in the 1960s and 1970s. Now referred to as non-directive education, it is a system where students are not told which ways of living, thinking, and feeling are right and wrong. Instead they are encouraged to explore their own personal values and become familiar and comfortable with them. Through this process the youth has formulated a strong set of beliefs that are entirely their own, allowing them to adhere firmly to their values. This is a relativist way of viewing ethical thought because each situation is relative to its own circumstances. ...

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